Wednesday, 3 September 2008

What is your reason for wanting to lose weight?

Do you worry too much about what others think of you?

Do you always notice that layer of fat covering your stomach?

Do you feel fatigued, drained and feel you do not have enough energy to enjoy life the way it should be enjoyed?

And now the most important question...

Are you ready to change this and start living the life you want?

I have struggled with weight related issues for most of my life and understand first hand the frustration involved in the search for a way to lose your blubber. There are dozens of diets and weight loss systems available; most of them promising a very dramatic weight loss within a short period of time and not surprisingly, rarely delivering the results!

I spent almost ten years of yo-yo dieting and spent a fortune on so many 'miracle weight loss systems' promising amazing results. Not surprisingly I never saw the promised results, even after following the diet and exercise regimes (which tended to be extremely difficult for me) word for word! I can't remember just how many different ways of losing weight I tried, but the chances are if you named a diet or system such as the Atkins, or South Beach, I will be able to say I have been there and done that. I am NOT saying these difficult kind of weight loss diets and regimes will not work for everyone, they just did not for me. What you need to understand is that everyones metabolism is different. Mentioning that however, by following these types of systems your weight loss will be very difficult.

In my own personal search for a weight loss system which delivered what it promised I came across a site created by two obesity experts, one of them apparently being an NHS (national health service) recognised obesity specialist in which the best systems known systems were analysed and reviewed so those un-knowledgable (I'm not sure if that's a word) may benefit from the more educated.

By following their advice and through some of my own research I managed to debunk all of the myths about weight loss which had plagued me for so long. The site offered a clear down to earth explanation of each system and helped me find the best one for me. I followed the advice and reviews from the site and managed to lose 23 lbs in 4 weeks! And what is more amazing is that I did this with NO restrictive dieting or excessive cardio! The system I managed to find which helped me tremendously in doing this can be found by clicking here.

For anyone looking for a diet or weight loss system, it is VITAL that you fast fat loss product reviews (click here) before going any further, so you are not scammed like I was many countless times. The site provides a clear explanation of various products available today; one of them I found to be extremely helpful in my weight loss battle. It was quite a miracle just how much that site helped me, but don't take my word for it...go there yourself and try what they say.

Anyway, below are some useful tips to help you on your weight loss journey.

1. Keep to your meal routine without missing breakfast: This is an extremely important step. You need to be disciplined with your weight loss and the best way to do this is to write down on some paper a routine for yourself to follow. I find if I feel I am lacking motivation to follow the routine, by writing a kind of 'contract' to myself and signing it, I am in a way unconciously devoting myself to the routine. It actualy works, and I use it a lot to help me stick to my general health routines. As well as this, do NOT miss breakfast! If you think about what breakfast actualy means, it means to 'break' the 'fast'. You have been fasting for the last twelve hours or so and breakfast is a meal to break this. The reason this is so important is because if you do not eat breakfast you risk your body going into 'starvation mode'.

2. Eat real food: Eat foods with as little artificial, processed or modified foods as possible. It is no co-incidence that cultures who survive on a diet with little if any processed foods have never even heard of degenerative diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. I can't stress enough how important this is. Even pasteurized milk fits into the category of processed foods or dairy.

3. Eat smaller portions more often: Instead of eating three big meals a day, eat five to six smaller meals, spaced evenly throughout the day. You actualy burn calories whilst digesting food, so why not use this to your advantage by eating more often! Eating smaller portions focuses on savouring the quality of the food rather than deriving satisfaction through quantity. If you need a drink to shove the over stuffed food down your throat you are eating too much too fast. Eating smaller portions involves being aware of how much you're taking in, and how fast you're eating.

4. Eat slowly: Spend at least twenty minutes eating your meals. It takes twenty minutes after you have eaten for your brain to register the fact that you are full. So if you eat too quickly, even if it is a huge meal, you may continue to feel hungry and want more. The best tip I have heard is to divide your plate into quarters and eaet one quarter every five minutes.

5. Set realistic goals: The ability to focus and have a proper mindset helps people on a diet to lose weight faster. With a proper mindset and focus a dieter will never become discouraged.

6. Listen to your body: Everyone's metabolism acts differently to different weight loss programs and diets. Try substituting one program for another to compensate the body's reaction. Any exercise program must be suitable to one's body, as some are not able to exercise as vigorously as others can. If walking is all that can be done then walk, for this is proven an excelent choice of exercise. Muscles burn more calories than fat so it's also best to put on a little muscle.

7. Eat more fibres: Eating more fibre makes you feel full faster, and slows your rate of digestion. One single loaf of whole grain bread helps move fat through digestion faster. Grains turn into blood sugar which gives you an insulin spike, making the body feel more energized and ready to tell the body when it should stop storing fats.

8. Drink a minimum of four pints of water a day: You will be surprised just how much of your weith is compromised of excess water being stored. Just like if you do not eat enough food your body goes into starvation mode and starts storing fat, if you do not drink enough water your body starts storing water, making you feel bloated and groggy.

All in all, discipline and consistency is still the best practice, and the key to rapid weight loss success. Light dieting, workout, and the right amount of supplementation applied in a regular way everyday will result in faster weight loss than having a massive action only to be followed by a return to old habits as this would only lead to gaining more weight than when the weight loss plan had started.

I highly recommend the following system if you are thinking of losing weight: It is the fastest, healthiest and easiest weight loss system available. I am not an internet marketer, I am an once obese individual offering sound, personal and first hand advice to anyone who is obese or wishing to shed the excess blubber they carry around with them. The system helped me so much.

Check out for more information.

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